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QDROs: Dividing Retirement Accounts in New York

After a divorce in New York, the next item is often the division of debts and assets accumulated during the marriage. However, only assets and debts regarded as marital property are subject to division, not separate property.

The New York domestic relations law has an expansive definition of both, and the best you can do is consult with an experienced QDRO attorney as soon as your divorce has been finalized.

This approach allows divorcing couples to divide the assets they’ve saved for retirement without incurring tax liability under ERISA. Whether you’re operating a defined contribution or defined benefit plan, you need a QDRO that a judge signed before proceeding.

Premarital Retirement Account

Sharing a retirement account according to New York laws might trigger some issues. For instance, if you had a certain amount of money that suddenly appreciated, you will need the services of an expert to determine which portion of the retirement is personal and which is marital.

The process is cumbersome, and if care isn’t taken, you might find yourself screaming at a wall. While you protect your retirement accounts, taking care of yourself and processing your emotions is crucial. There’s no harm in getting in touch with a professional therapist, so you don’t feel alone in the whole ordeal.

What will make a tremendous difference and afford you huge relief is when you work with an experienced QDRO attorney.

Why A QDRO Attorney?

Most of the time, we have found that clients who lack academic credentials will go for QDRO Specialists. They often use the QDRO model supplied by the plan administrator, which in most cases, isn’t wise due to the uniqueness of each case.

Shying away from a QDRO attorney will cost you a hand and a leg down the road, especially when you encounter delays caused by errors or inconsistencies. But when you work with a QDRO attorney with years of experience, the chances of mistakes and delays are minimal.

The sound legal advice and support you will receive is an excellent reason to work with an attorney; luckily, there are many of them near you. For the past decades, we’ve been helping numerous clients navigate the QDRO process and protect their interests in the long run.

A QDRO Attorney Near Me

There are many QDRO attorneys in Staten Island, New York, and their experiences and expertise differ significantly. What sets us apart is our continued support, representation of our clients, and ensuring they get the best possible outcome. That way, they can move on with their life as quickly as possible. Feel free to get in touch by calling or filling out our contact form to book an appointment.

Contact Northstar QDRO

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